link |
Use to define a caboodle. This command simply creates a symbolic link in the home
directory of the user under a subdirectory of ".nb/caboodle".
Other commands make use of the symbolic link to set the working directory before performing an operation.
nbkit caboodle link directory
For a caboodle directory "/var/foobar" that you want to reference as "foobar",
you would enter the following command.
nbkit foobar link /var/foobar
unlink |
Use to undefine a caboodle.
If you want to redefine a caboodle to use a different directory, it is not necessary to use "unlink".
You may simply issue a "link" command again specifying a different directory.
use |
The "use" verb associates a caboodle with an installed kit. This makes the components
provided by the kit available to the caboodle.
nbkit caboodle use kit-directory
To associate nbkit-system-0.8.14 with a caboodle, the command would be as follows.
nbkit caboodle use /usr/share/nbkit/nbkit-system-0.8.14
export |
Use to export a caboodle to a compressed tar file as a backup, or to copy to another server.
Log files and other files considered to be caboodle specific and of no value to similar caboodles are not exported.
nbkit caboodle export archive-file
For example:
nbkit mycaboodle export /tmp/mycaboodle.tar.gz
import |
Use to import an exported caboodle into a similar caboodle without replacing locally modified components, and without
disturbing components in the caboodle not found in the archive.
This is appropriate in cases where there is local maintenance performed downstream from the source of the archive, including
cases where a caboodle is a combination of imports from multiple upstream archive providers.
nbkit caboodle import archive-file
For example:
nbkit mycaboodle2 import /tmp/mycaboodle.tar.gz
upgrade |
Use to upgrade a caboodle from an exported caboodle, without protecting local modifications and additions.
This is appropriate when following a policy of not making local modifications, and the archive provides
a complete set of application components.
nbkit caboodle upgrade archive-file
For example:
nbkit mycaboodle2 upgrade /tmp/mycaboodle.tar.gz
alarm |
Generate an alarm to subscribers.
This command sends a NodeBrain alert command to the alarm node of the Caboodle agent supporting the specified
caboodle. Multiple optional alarm attributes may be specified. Some have default values when not specified.
All alarm attributes may be referenced by an alarm subscription, which is required for actual distribution of the
nbkit caboodle alarm attribute="value" [ ... ]
Specify one or more alarm attributes:
appl |
Specify the name of the application to which the alarm applies.
group |
Specify a value that categories the alarm; e.g. "OS", "Database", "Web". The group
attribute is intented to route alarms to a unique group of subject experts. This is unlike the route
attributes which may be used to provide visibility to various interested recipients.
node |
Specify the hostname associated with the alarm. By default, the local hostname is used.
route |
Specify a comma seperated list of routing codes for alarm subscriptions.
The codes are strings that have meaning within a given application. For example, if the caboodle is a
security event monitoring application, a value of "SOC" might be used to indicate the alarm is intented for
the Security Operations Center. Multiple codes may be entered; e.g. "SOC,NOC".
severity |
Specify a level of severity for the alarm. Typical values are "critical", "major", "minor", "warning" and "info",
although you may select alternate values that work better in the context of your application.
text |
Specify message text that describes the alarm condition; e.g. "Roof flew off the barn". You may include a message
identifier of the form AAANNNN at the start of the text; e.g. "PWS0125 Roof flew off the barn".